4 months. 16 weeks. 114 days. It is hard to believe that the study abroad program has officially ended. The past few weeks have been amazing! When Rylee and I got back from Paris it was back to the grind writing final papers, the last week of classes, studying for finals, and fitting in everything we wanted to do in Rome! Good news is that my Dad and sister have decided to come to Rome! As of right now they will be here in three days from now! The first few days after getting back from Paris was full of writing my Christology paper. Rylee, Jeremy, Maggie, and I went to the NAC for the last adoration of the year. It was really great and spiritually filling for the last few weeks. On Thursday the dorm got together for a Secret Santa Christmas Party. We ate pizza and brownies, listened to Christmas music, hung out, and exchanged gifts! I got a poster from Maggie full of postcards that said "I will fresco the world for you," my favorite quote of the semester. We had a really nice time!

On Friday it was the last day of classes! Hard to believe that after 16 weeks of hard work, we were so close to the final stretch! Friday night we went out for a spiritual event to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We went to the Lay Centre in Rome, a place for graduate students in Rome to live. We had Mass with the Pope's theologian, who was incredible man, and afterward we had dinner with the Austrian Ambassador to the Holy See and there was a nice concert by Jacob and Dr. Simpson. It was so much fun! On Saturday, the actual date of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Benedict comes to Piazza Spagna for a huge celebration. I met up with Rylee and Tim to see the Pope! We were so close! The picture I got of the Pope (with no zoom) was one of my favorites of the year! The next day I spent most of my time studying for the coming finals and finished my project for Philosophy. That night we were invited over to the NAC for Mass and a party afterward. We had a tour of the NAC, went to the roof, where there was an amazing view, and headed to Mass. After Mass we had a nice little party with the seminarians! We had wine, cheese, and crackers, and it was quite fun!

The next few days were full of exams, studying, and seeing the city! It was crazy busy, but hey we were in Rome, so it all turned out okay! Wednesday morning Rylee and I got tickets to go to the Papal Audience. We work up early and went to see Pope Benedict! The audience was pretty small, but it was amazing! We got to see the Pope again and we even got to see him write his first tweet! So cool, right? On Thursday, Rylee and i decided to take a tour of Rome, going to some of our favorite places and taking pictures. We went all over the city taking pictures and remembering some of our favorite spots and we finally threw coins into the Trevi Fountain! That night we went out for the final dorm family dinner. We decided to go to Da Vito e Dina, our favorite restaurant in all of Rome! It was amazing! It is hard to believe how we've come! We started knowing very few people and some of these people have become some of the greatest friends. I am seriously gonna miss these people and I can't wait to hang out with them on campus!

Friday! Friday was my last final exam. It was a quick 15 minutes and turned out pretty good! After I started packing. Packing up four months of my life in a different country was pretty difficult! I loved Rome, but it will be hard to say goodbye. Later, Rylee, Tori, and I walked around and went to Villa Borghese, a park we hadn't made it to. It was fun, I love these girls!! That night I met Danielle, Tracy, Sarah, and Marie for dinner at Le Fate in Trastevere. They have an amazing student menu and it was so much fun! After we headed to Abbey Theatre for our final night out. We met up with the rest of the dorm and had a blast! It was definitely one of my favorite nights of the year! Saturday morning we woke up to our final day together! Rylee and I decided to go to San Lorenzo the only church of the sever pilgrimage churches in Rome that we hadn't been to. It was really great! I continued packing and then got ready for Mass and our final dinner. It was so great to see all of the host families, Seminarians, Italiaidea teachers, staff members, and the rest of the program students! It was a great final meal and Mass! I am going to miss being here with all these amazing people! I wouldn't have changed this experience for anything! I am so blessed and happy I came!
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